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Sponsorship Opportunities

Greenville Little League is non-profit organization, serving children ages 4-16 in the Greenville, SC area.  To fund the necessary equipment, fields, and resources needed to run our League, we rely heavily on corporate sponsorships.  We offer youth sports programs in the Spring and Fall each year to over 1,000 upstate families.  Corporate sponsorships are tax deductible and are available in many different forms, including signage at the field, presence on the GLL website, and access to our events.  If interested in learning more about supporting our League through sponsorship and marketing to our local families, please review the sponsorship information below, and contact us.

2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

Entrance Sign $2000 investment per sign
➢ Company/logo recognition on entrance sign at Conestee Park
➢ Logo recognition on GLL website with hyperlink to company website
➢ Opportunity to provide collateral for player packets
➢ Recognition on GLL communication – eblasts, social media and evaluation day flyer

Scoreboard Sign $1800 investment per sign
➢ Company/logo recognition on 4’ x 8’ sign with placement under field scoreboard
➢ Logo recognition on GLL website with hyperlink to company website
➢ Opportunity to provide collateral for player packets
➢ Recognition on GLL communication – eblasts, social media and evaluation day flyer

Dugout Banner $1250 investment per banner
➢ Company recognition on 4’ x 8’ banner with placement behind home plate or dugouts
➢ Logo recognition on GLL website with hyperlink to company website
➢ Opportunity to provide collateral for player packets
➢ Recognition on GLL communication – eblasts, social media and evaluation day flyer

Coach of the Year Sponsor $1250 investment

➢ Company recognition on plaque presented to “Coach of the Year” as well as company recognition at Championship Night when presenting “Coach of the Year” Award
➢ Logo recognition on GLL website with hyperlink to company website
➢ Opportunity to provide collateral for player packets
➢ Recognition on GLL communication – eblasts, social media and evaluation day flyer

Outfield Banner $500 investment per banner

➢ Company recognition on 4’ x 6’ banner with placement in outfield
➢ Logo recognition on GLL website with hyperlink to company website
➢ Opportunity to provide collateral for player packets
➢ Recognition on GLL communication – eblasts, social media and evaluation day flyer

Team Sponsor $400 investment per team

➢ Company recognition team jersey
➢ Logo recognition on GLL website
➢ Opportunity to provide collateral for player packets
➢ Recognition on GLL communication – eblasts, social media and evaluation day flyer

Friend of GLL $250 investment

➢ Recognition on GLL website
➢ Recognition on GLL communication – eblasts, social media and evaluation day flyer
➢ Listed on Banner at Conestee Park

Greenville Little League

PO Box 9395 
Greenville, South Carolina 29604
Phone : 864-884-5657
Email : [email protected]
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