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Little League Player Equipment

If you have a young player who is just starting to play baseball or softball, you likely have questions about the uniform and equipment they'll need.  Here, we'll show all of the pieces needed to participate in Little League, which are provided by the League, and which will need to be provided by the player.  If you have any questions about acquiring equipment or uniform pieces, need assistance in doing so, or want to know more about what's right for your player, let us know.

Fielder's Equipment

Item Description Provided by  
Hat Baseball Cap or Softball Visor in team color Provided by the League as part of the uniform issued to each team member
Uniform Top Team uniform shirt in team color Provided by the League as part of the uniform issued to each team member
Belt Elastic athletic belt in team color Varies based on season and availability.  Can be purchased locally if not provided by the League
Pants Baseball or Softball pants, in white, grey or black Varies based on season and availability.  Can be purchased locally if not provided by the League
Socks Athletic socks in team color, usually Player - Can be purchased locally.
Cleats Molded baseball or softball cleats.  Metal spikes are only allowed in Junior and Senior League Divisions Player - Strongly recommended for safe play.  Soccer or football cleats are good substitutes
Fielding Glove Baseball or Softball glove, to be worn on the non-throwing hand Player - Assorted sizes and styles available.  Player should purchase a glove large enough to fully encompass a ball, yet small enough to be able to squeeze closed.
Face mask Softball mask worn by batters and fielders to protect the face Player - Strongly recommended for safe play, but not required.

Batter's Equipment

Item Description Provided By
BatUSA Baseball or Softball BatPlayer - Make sure to check our Bat Guidelines before making a purchase
HelmetProtective batting helmet, with optional face guard or face maskLeague and/or Player - GLL will provide each team a few batting helmets to share.  It is recommended that each player have their own helmet
Batting GlovesGloves worn while batting giving the player strong grip on the batPlayer - Optional purchase and is more for the look than functionality at this age
UniformShirt, pants, belt, socks, and cleatsThese pieces are all the same as those listed in Fielder's Equipment above
Sliding ShortsAn undergarment worn under uniform pants providing extra protection to the legs and hips while slidingPlayer - Optional, but for young players look for options which come with an athletic cup
Sliding gloveA protective glove, often called an "oven mitt", worn on the hand(s) while running basesPlayer - These are highly optional as they are designed to protect the fingers during slides, and LL does not allow its youth players to slide headfirst.  Junior and Senior League players may find them useful

Catcher's Equipment

Item Description Provided by  
Note: Greenville Little League provides each team a set of catcher's gear, which includes the mask, chest protector, and shin guards. Players may use this gear, or purchase their own.
Catcher's mask Protective helmet with face mask League - players who purchase their own should look for one-piece helmet and mask.  Skull caps with removable face masks are not allowed
Dangling throat protector Protection for the neck and throat, connected to the face mask to dangle. League - players must use one, even on personal equipment, and even if wearing the hockey-style mask
Chest protector Protection for the shoulders, chest, groin League - no special requirements for player-provided equipment
Shin guards Protection for the knees, shins, ankles League - no special requirements for player-provided equipment
Catcher's Mitt Baseball or Softball catcher's mitt, to be worn on the non-throwing hand Player - Assorted sizes and styles available.  Player should purchase a glove large enough to fully encompass a ball, yet small enough to be able to squeeze closed.  Players must use a catcher's mitt, not a fielder's glove, when playing this position.
Athletic Cup Hard plastic protection for groin Player -Required for playing this position

Greenville Little League

PO Box 9395 
Greenville, South Carolina 29604
Phone : 864-884-5657
Email : [email protected]
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